Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas break can't come fast enough

From Tuesday night to Saturday night it seemed like all of my worries were gone. I had the best Thanksgiving and ate way more than I should have. I got to see friends that I haven't seen since fall break. Spending time with family was something that I didn't even realize how much I had missed. Being home was great. Even though I can't wait to see all of my SMU friends - being home can't be beat.

But now I'm back. And it sucks.

I feel like all of my teachers have piled on all of the work. I have four papers due before the end of semester. But that's not the end of my work.. Let's throw in a speaker for EE and a few homework assignments and a test and don't forget the debate for Contemporary Moral Problems. School sucks. Why do all of my teachers wait until the end to give all of these assignments? Why do I put off everything until the last possible minute?

Sorry for this. I had to vent. And have another post. Ha

One assignment down - way too many to go.


Littlecoe4 said...

I would have to say I agree with you completely on the fact that teachers pile it all on at the end. However I put everything off until the last second which makes everything a lot more difficult. Even though you don't want to hear that you should try and organize ahead of time and get it done early, that's the only advice I can think of. So good luck with finals and don't worry too much you'll do great.

J.r. Blogger said...

Yea, I also am feeling the stress of my workload. I think this also if the finals cram so homework and school are going to get exponentially tougher. Regardless to it being finals week word in general always seems to come in spurts.

I either have zero work and more free time on my hands than I should be allowed or the fist of knowledge repetitively slaps me in the face with its painful workload.

There's also the third situation where I do have work, but don't quite realize it yet. Can you say blindsided?