Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Hoes!

As the end of October approaches I can’t help but get excited about Halloween! I love this time of year because the weather is always perfect, the best candy is out, and carving pumpkins is pretty fun! Halloween at home always meant handing out candy at my house with some of my friends then heading to whatever party was going on that night.

From what I’ve heard about Halloween here, I think it’s going to be pretty different to say the least. Sure there were always girls who took the liberty to dress with the most interesting costumes in honor of the Halloween spirit, but me and my friends either didn’t wear costumes or came up with funny ideas that we all could take part in.

I think the college idea of Halloween is a little distorted.

Why has Halloween turned into a contest of who can have the most revealing costume? Is it really all that fun to throw on a pair of wings with lingerie and call yourself a “fairy” or something? Or one of my personal favorites, lingerie with a pair of ears and suddenly you're a cat.

Does Hollywood and the media tell us these kinds of costumes are appropriate? Are you frumpy and old fashion if you choose not to dress along with this trend?

Sure dressing like that might get you a little attention that night, but seriously, have a little class.


Alexandra said...

The trend of dressing provocative for halloween is not only appearing at colleges and universities but also at high schools and middle schools. My little sister, an eighth-grader, recently sent me a picture of her halloween costume. The title of her costume was "Sexy Sailor," maybe the costume is okay for college student but by no means appropriate for a fourteen-year-old. I explained to her how inappropriate it was for her and her friends to be wearing that and all she could respond with was, "But everybody doing it." I know how it feels to want to be a part of the majority but it is absurd how young girls are dressing these days. The sailor costume wasn't much more then a tiny piece of fabric and a sailor's hat to match. I think the media needs to stop sending the message that in order to feel beautiful and be part

Anonymous said...

Alexandra, please finish your comment. Post again. You were on a good point.

iheartquestionmark said...

I completely agree. A few days ago, I was in a Halloween store and a family was shopping for their daughter’s costume. I would say that the girl was eleven or maybe twelve. There were two sections of costumes for females: one for older, mature women and one for girls and young teens. The girl had pointed to a more mature costume that was closer to the adult side and clearly more revealing. I wanted to say it was a bee or a ladybug costume. There was clearly a girl’s version and a ladies version. According to the young girl she would not fit into the teen version, which had a longer skirt and sleeves. The worst part is the mother agreed with the daughter. The dad was clearly pissed! He was almost yelling at his wife for even thinking about letting his twelve year old dress like she is eighteen. It was ridiculous that the mother would even think about allowing her daughter to wear that! I was even shocked.
I think it is the sad truth that the media has influenced young girls to dress so provocatively. But, it is also the parents’ fault for allowing their children to do this and even worse paying for their costumes. In the end the parent should be more responsible and have better judgments on what their child should or should not be doing.

Blaize said...

I think this is a really great topic because clearly halloween costumes have grown from who could be the scariest or funniest to who is the sexiest or cutest in their costume. Personally I have noticed the transformation at the start of high school but as each year goes by I do notice the choices become sluttier and sluttier. I know many girls who claim to have already dressed up as everything cute they could think of such as a sailor, nurse, police, etc... so they decide to make it different by wearing smaller tighter versions of the costume? I've almost become so used to this that I don't notice it anymore and whenever I see a girl that chooses a costume that is scary or funny I truly admire her confidence for her choice to be different.

greek girl said...

Dressing provocatively has definitely since I was younger. Earlier in the month, I was looking through my room mate's costume catalogue and just about every woman's costume was something ridiculous. Even Playboy has cashed in on Halloween and created their own line of costumes. And when I asked my room mate and suite mate what they thought about it, my room mate just said "Halloween is the only time that girls can dress slutty and get away with it." What are we teaching the younger generation?

Anonymous said...

This thread is just incredible. I can't believe the family fight between the mom and dad about the provocative costume. But I also had to laugh at the roommate's comment about Halloween being the only time girls can get away with dressing slutty. Not true, based on what I've seen around campus on a regular school day. Personally, I think Halloween costumes are for children and Chihuahuas.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add, last year I posted on my blog about a T-shirt I saw in the kids' department at Neiman's: It said "Deja Juicy." I guess that's supposed to be cute on a five-year-old.

Paris Hilton said...

"Halloween is the only time a girl can dress slutty and get away with it" - How many times did I hear that over the last couple weeks? It's crazy. Of course, as expected, I was not disappointed by the lack of creativity and exposure this past weekend. And it was kind of cold Friday..

hunter01 said...

Looking back on Halloween I do not think I saw more sexy sailors, indians, and fairy's wearing nothing but wings and skimpy lingerie in my life! I know we are all in college and I know is all in good fun, but don't you think some girls were sending out the wrong message about themselves? I realize halloween is the night when dressing skanky is deemed acceptable according to Regina George in Mean Girls, but should that really be the case. I think their is a very fine line between dressing " hot" and looking " beautiful" and looking like a moron. I saw plenty of sloppy girls all night in costumes were there various body parts were falling out. Is this sexy and attractive to you, because it is surely not to me!